
Lavan Mahadeva

The Copper Mark, the assurance framework to promote responsible practices and demonstrate the copper industry’s contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and CRU Group, the leading global mining, metals and fertilizer market intelligence company, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which includes the integration of the Copper Mark assurance award status into CRU’s Emissions Analysis Tool.

The CRU Emissions Analysis Tool is a digital platform that compares emissions across global value chains. The tool compares asset level sustainability data, which will now include acknowledgement that a copper site has received the Copper Mark – meeting its standards on quantifying, lowering and reporting on GHG emissions – and link to the Summary Assessment Report on the Copper Mark’s website.

The MOU between the Copper Mark and the CRU Group will help to further embed transparency around emissions from global copper value chains, enhancing accountability and raising the importance of measuring, reducing and reporting on emissions throughout the supply chain.

On the partnership, Michèle Brülhart, Executive Director of the Copper Mark, stated "The Memorandum of Understanding between the Copper Mark and CRU is an important step forward in promoting transparency around emissions linked to copper supply chains." 

 Lavan Mahadeva, CRU’s Research Director, reiterated the significance of the partnership saying,  "CRU’s Emissions Analysis Tool reveals that copper mines, smelters and refineries display interesting differences in their carbon emissions’ intensities. But a holistic assessment of responsible copper production should also take in other important environmental and social aspects."

High-quality, standardised data is the foundation for real change. CRU's emissions data and further cost, analysis and consultancy resources aim to empower clients to make real change - decarbonising commodity supply chains, achieving emissions targets and leading the transition to a sustainable future.  

To find out more about the Emissions Analysis Tool, visit 

If you are ready to speak to our team about a demo of the emissions tool, please get in touch


Copper producing assets (383 worldwide) ranked according to carbon intensity / production volume