Strategy - case studies

Strategy Case Study - decarbonisation roadmap and strategy

The client needed to enhance their understanding of their carbon footprint and the impact decarbonisation trends will have on their business. To support the development of a long-term strategy, we suggested a phased approach.

In the first phase we modelled the company's emissions, benchmarked them against selected peers, and provided a long-term outlook on the steel and iron ore markets up to 2050, including scenarios involving decarbonisation policies and the adoption of low-carbon technologies.

The second phase examined the strategic benefits, including potential green premia based on their product portfolio and market presence. We evaluated the underlying drivers of premia such as carbon pricing, green steel demand and the cost of decarbonising. Other benefits were also covered, such as regulatory compliance, first mover advantage to capture potential premia, and influencing the conversation around standard-setting for green steel, among others.

The third phase defined decarbonisation targets and created a specific roadmap for the company to achieve those targets, with quantified steps towards achieving a net zero position.   

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